Monday, April 13, 2009

mark your calendars : the launch party is here !!

that's right !!! the shanghai fixed gear crew is proud to finally announce the shanghai bike polo launch party !!!

here are the details :

where ? shanghai stadium staircase number 2
when ? saturday, april 18, 2009
who ? anyone!
how much ? free! just bring your bike.
what time ? 1:00pm

below is a map of the location :

the red star marks the staircase we will be meeting at.  there is a giant public space landing at the top of the staircase that we will use to play on - it is a great spot !  the closest major intersection is Caoxi Lu and Ling Ling Lu - which is marked by a
 big mcdonalds.

below is a second map with a few more street names attached :

we have made enough mallets to run one game for now.  hopefully an interest will spark and players can make their own mallets, since it is truly a DIY project.  we will be running just one game at a time, so that all players can learn the rules and everyone gets a chance to play!

for those of you who i have not met in person, just keep a lookout for a tall, white canadian, with bleach blonde hair and a red beard.  i'll be the one riding the deep purple bike :)

we will also have a clipboard on site for everyone to fill out with contact information.

afterwards for those interested we will be heading out for some dinner and drinks, the location to be determined.  finally, after all is said and done, for anyone who still wants to ride - we will plan out a night ride for saturday night as well.

so spread the word! and we look forward to meeting all of you on saturday :)


-tyler and SFG


  1. The photo on your poster was liberated without consent from "my photo on flickr" Thought you should know.
    -John W. MaDonald

  2. hey john,

    you are totally right - super sorry about that. was sent to me, and it didn't even click to check the tagline on the bottom of the photo.

    definitely should have contacted you first and at the very least threw your credits up on the photo.

    apologies, apologies, apologies. will not happen again !
